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  • All I can say is Good Luck to everyone!

  • When i saw this microphone, i knew i had to get it, sadly my budget isnt that high so i let off, i play on pc and cannot communicate properly with my friends or my team which puts me at a disadvantage, i have been in the market looking for a microphone for a while now and this company is one of the most known and relient i have come across, winning a microphone would honestly help out a lot, i will also be able to use this microphone for school zoom learning and to video chat with friends and family along with discord chats. This microphone is one of the best and professional i have seen and would love to win this

    Umar Masood
  • When i saw this microphone, i knew i had to get it, sadly my budget isnt that high so i let off, i play on pc and cannot communicate properly with my friends or my team which puts me at a disadvantage, i have been in the market looking for a microphone for a while now and this company is one of the most known and relient i have come across, winning a microphone would honestly help out a lot, i will also be able to use this microphone for school zoom learning and to video chat with friends and family along with discord chats. This microphone is one of the best and professional i have seen and would love to win this

    Umar Masood

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